The Adorned Gem

'I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself '                                                   - Emma Stone-

As women, we all want to look beautiful and attractive. It's an instinct we were born with. No doubt, every woman/girl is gorgeous in her own way, with her own style, looks and skin. Many fight to end the conflicts we have in our society regarding how women should dress, look or behave. As a Muslim, I believe every woman should have the right to choose for herself, the freedom we have been given by our Lord. The most common dispute held against Muslim women is about covering up ourselves/wearing the hijab. 
The western world believes that Muslim women are oppressed by our religion's laws just because we have to wear the hijab. they think we're undeveloped people who do not understand the meaning of liberalism. Why do they think that? Because the majority of young Muslim women/girls aren't aware of the reason we are supposed to wear the hijab. 'Allah ordered us to' is the typical answer. What if you have to give a detailed answer? Before you get embarrassed at that crucial moment by not knowing the definite response, I've got something to tell you.

I started wearing a hijab properly when I was 9. Did I experience battles? yes, I did. Everyone does, it's impossible to bring a change into your life and people accept it without any bickering. On several occasions in my life, people tried to manipulate me into thinking that wearing a hijab at this age is not necessary and that I would not be able to avail several opportunities because of it. And to be honest, practising at an early age gave me the utmost encouragement because it was easy to preserve the routine since I already accepted it from the heart. I didn't let the criticism control my ardour towards the promise I made to myself that i will perform the manner of wearing hijaab properly and by the rules of Islam till my demise (Insha Allah). What actually made me persistent to commit to this obligation was the lecture I heard in 2013. The lecture specified, why do Muslim women have to wear a hijab.

The lecture, it said ' Allah (s.w.t) created women as pearls. The pearl which is found in an oyster, thousands of meters deep in the ocean. The chances of a pearl being found in an oyster are so rare, it would be like 1 in 10000. Pearls are highly expensive and valuable. One of the most beautiful and glamorous-looking pieces of nature. And to get a pearl you need to dive deep into the ocean, get the oyster, split it open and then the pearl is sold in the market at high rates. So if Allah created women special, attractive and valuable as pearls he ordered them to enclose (cover) themselves in order to protect their uniqueness and beauty.'
That was the only evidence I needed. It satisfied my heart and made me feel unique and beautiful. If we take the commandments of Allah positively and understand them with intention of accepting it, it's not so hard. We are not required to reach the highest level of hijab immediately. Take it slow, accept it from your heart, and then take another step. Allah says in the Quran 'لا اكراه في الدين ' (There shall be no compulsion (in acceptance) of religion) your first step should be the acknowledgement from your heart, you are doing it for Allah, and he will reward you for it. You will struggle but that will only make you more strong and bold. Wearing a hijab does not mean you are perfect. Perfection doesn't exist. You are a human, you will make mistakes and it's okay to make mistakes cause that is what makes us human. Your faults are not related to your hijab. One cannot judge another's faults based on the fact that she wears a hijab.
Hijaab is a symbol of modesty. Modesty (haya) is part of our religion. The hijab is a safeguard. It protects us from immoral activities, and lustful desires, irrespective of doings etc. It displays humbleness and modesty. Hijaab is not a part of any culture neither should be. Many women wear the hijab when travelling to the middle east, Pakistan or any other Muslim country. They do not when visiting European or American countries because it is not a part of their culture. The real struggle is when you feel like a stranger when wearing one when you feel like 'I'm the only one wearing it. When it's hard to blend in but you keep your head high and stay confident by accepting yourself as YOU.
Wearing the hijaab does not make you undeveloped or backward, you can be modern and liberal by wearing a hijaab.
Being modern doesn't mean you do what the majority of the population is doing, being modern means having good thinking, morals and ethics and the ability to respect others.

Hijaab is like a crown of a Muslim woman. You should wear it with honour. It is a diverse act we perform in order to please our lord. Feel confident and bold. It defends our dignity and shapes our identity. Wear it like a queen would, distant from others yet courageous whose apparel displays modesty and beauty. Hijaab does not decrease our beauty, instead, it increases our value in society. Take it positively. You are like a wrapped-up lollipop who covers herself to protect the sweetness and charm which is inside you. The respect you get by wearing a hijab is incomparable. Empower yourself and others. Stay bold and strong. You are beautiful and charismatic in a hijab just like you would be without it. This is our freedom!

'Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it"

A message for all the hijabis out there! Stay strong beauties! We're all in this together! #Alhumdolillah


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